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Updated: Sep 25

By Arnie Cole

Dear Friend,

Arnie August 2024 Newsletter

With so much division and anger tearing us apart, I like Bryan Clark’s challenges to all of us in the feature article. We are to be on the side of righteousness. We are to give people around us a glimpse of the world as God really intended.

We might not have the power to change all the oppression and injustice around us, but as Christ Followers our influence is profound. It's easy for that fact to get lost in the sensationalism that dominates our culture, but let's not forget the power of one-on-one connections.

Think about a hot summer day. Meteorologists often highlight the extreme heat index to grab attention, focusing on the crisis rather than the actual temperature. This approach is similar to how some Christian marketing messages emphasize big numbers like a million impressions or views. While these numbers sound impressive, they can make us feel like our individual actions don't matter.

But they do. Each person you reach meaningfully for Christ is infinitely more valuable than a million impressions. So start praying, “Lord, please help me touch one person meaningfully for You today.”

Our research shows that 81% of people around us need evangelism. If the remaining 19% of us consistently discipled others, we could influence 63 million lives for Christ here in the U.S. Imagine the impact of such a movement and how quickly things could change!

Therefore, never forget the significance of working one life at a time. Mark remembered and he commented how an episode of Win Today helped him to send some encouraging words to a friend “…who has been battling alcoholism and is on the road back to sobriety. Thank you – great message!”

This month, consider partnering with Back to the Bible. Your support helps reach individuals like Mark and his friend. Your gifts are used to win individuals to Jesus and help them grow from early belief to discipling others—one significant life at a time.

Pray to touch one person meaningfully for Christ each day and rely on Back to the Bible to support you and the person you’re reaching every step of the way.

In His Service,

Arnie Cole, CEO

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